Acne Doen’t Define How You Are

With the holiday season fast approaching there are so many things to stress about, but your skin doesn’t have to be one of them! Using the phenomenal Obagi skin care routine, you can say goodbye to all those ghastly pimples in time to welcome the New Year with confidence.

There is light at the end of the tunnel… literally! At the bottom of every pore, there is light, and if it gets blocked, a pustule forms. Which is commonly referred to as a pimple. When treating acne, most people make the mistake of piling on several different creams and heaps of clay masks from over the counter stores and hoping for the best. More often than not, it doesn’t really help so the squeezing and scarring continues. What you may not realise is that the acne cropping up around your face, may actually be an effect of what is going on inside your body and although the Obagi skin care system is close to miraculous, you have to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the treatments to have lasting effects. This all goes hand in hand!

With the Obagi system, one of the reasons that it has the best outcome is because the levels of potency inside the products are more effective than what you are able to purchase over the counter. Dr. Shah has been appointed as one of the representatives of the skin care brand to safely distribute these amazing formulas.

The Clenziderm range has three components. First, the daily face wash, which is light in texture and foams when used with water and consists of 2% salicyilc acid which gently treats acne without stripping the skin. The effective cleanser deeply penetrates, unclogging pores and washing away dead skin cells leaving you feeling squeaky clean. This is then followed with a toner which closes the pores and lastly a lightweight lotion is applied which really helps to get rid of all the lesions. With leading medical experts selling this around the world, Obagi has had tremendously successful results. Whether your breakouts occur on your T-zone, cheeks or chin; this simple process is suitable.

So don’t let acne define who you are or how you live your life. After all, your skin is the largest organ in your body and it should be looking good all the time! The Obagi system works best when incorporated into a daily routine and is applied diligently for best results. The treatments can unclog pores and prevent future pimples but will not treat any old acne scarring.

Want to tackle those acne scars that won’t seem to budge? Click here




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